How can an employment verification be completed? Generally we like to receive these by fax, email or mail, however employees also drop these off. Contact the payroll...
When do I get paid? We pay every two weeks according to our payroll calendar. If you think you should have been paid we are...
When do I get paid if my timesheets are turned in late? Timesheets are due every Thursday by 9am. If your timesheets are turned in late (after week #2) according to our...
How should I complete my timesheet? Timesheets must be completed correctly, legibly, and signed by the client or responsible party and the employee. Clients should not...
When are timesheets due? Timesheets are due every Thursday by 9am, but you can submit your timesheet anytime after your last shift of the...
What should I do if I didn’t get paid? Or if I didn’t get my check? If you haven’t received your paycheck, most likely, the reason is, we did not receive your timesheet on time, or...
Can I work overtime? Overtime (over 40 hours per week) must be authorized by Best Care LLC in writing. If you work overtime and...