Timesheets 245D Provided by Best Care. Timesheets can be completed on paper or through Best Care’s Mobile Timesheet app. The Timesheets is...
DSP Role / Job Description The DSP is responsible to ensure that their conduct is consistent with Best Care policies, that they adhere to the...
Recipient Rights Best Care is required to help recipients exercise and protect their rights according to the 245D statute. Certain rights may...
Role of the 245D Client or Responsible Party To select the DSPs, sign timesheets, and follow the Best Care policies and procedures.
Role of the Designated Coordinator (DC) Responsible for providing oversight for 245D services. They assist with the development of the CSSP addendum and training and evaluating...
Services Suspension and Service Termination Best Care has the right to suspend and / or terminate services based on the 245D licensing standards. Best Care...
Hiring a new DSP / DSP Training Per the 245D statute, DSPs must complete training on the Best Care agency policies, complete an 8 hour positive supports...