How do I request PTO? To request PTO first download and complete a PTO request form, then return the form to our office by fax...
How do Holidays work? We offer Holiday Pay if you work a holiday. You don’t get the day off, but if you work, you...
How can an employment verification be completed? Generally we like to receive these by fax, email or mail, however employees also drop these off. Contact the payroll...
How do I know if you received my timesheets? If we do not receive your timesheet or if your timesheet has errors you will receive a text or a...
How do I sign up for direct deposit? Submit a Direct Deposit form to the payroll department. You can find the form at You may fax your...
What if my timesheets are late? If your timesheets are turned in late (after week #2), according to our payroll calendar, they will not be paid...
Best Care’s Role Enroll and verify PCA/DSP qualifications, process criminal background studies, manage payroll duties and pay PCAs/DSPs, provide program information, bill the...
When do I get paid? We pay every two weeks according to our payroll calendar. If you think you should have been paid we are...
Emergency Payroll Requests You can make an emergency payroll request by submitting your completed timesheet and then submitting your request at