Timesheets 245D Provided by Best Care. Timesheets can be completed on paper or through Best Care’s Mobile Timesheet app. The Timesheets is...
Timesheet Completion Timesheets are to be signed by both the PCA and the Responsible Party (RP) at the end of the pay...
Can there be a change in Responsible Parties? There can be a change in the Responsible Party, at the time of Reassessment or anytime during the year. To...
What is a Responsible Party required to do? The responsible party must: Attend your assessments Be available while the PCA is working Be listed on forms Check on...
Who needs a responsible Party? A person needs a responsible party if: They are under 18 They are an incapacitated adult with a court-appointed guardian...
Who cannot be a responsible party? The following individuals cannot be responsible party: PCA provider agency owners or managers A person’s county worker if they are...
Role of the 245D Client or Responsible Party To select the DSPs, sign timesheets, and follow the Best Care policies and procedures.
Role of the Client or Responsible Party (RP) To select, train, supervise, schedule and monitor the work of the PCAs. Also, to review and sign timesheets, be present...