Overtime Working over 40 hours is not allowed unless approved by Best Care. Overtime will be approved on a case by...
The Role of the Qualified Professional (QP) Responsible for the coordination and continuity of care for the client. They assist with the development of the care plan....
Where can I get a COVID test? Visit this website to find a COVID testing location near you. You may also receive a test in the mail...
Workplace Injuries and Incidents If a PCA is injured or if there is an incident related to the recipient at any time, the PCA...
Observation and Redirection of Behaviors PCAs may observe and provide redirection to the recipient for episodes of behavior needing redirection as identified in the care...
Annual Reassessment Sixty days before the end of your current service agreement, Best Care will send a request to the county or...
Best Care / License Holder’s Role Ensure the health, safety and protection of rights of each person served and implement the responsibilities assigned in the CSSP.
Best Care’s Role Enroll and verify PCA/DSP qualifications, process criminal background studies, manage payroll duties and pay PCAs/DSPs, provide program information, bill the...
Care Plan Every recipient must have a care plan based on the PHN assessment. Only activities on the care plan and assessment...
DSP Role / Job Description The DSP is responsible to ensure that their conduct is consistent with Best Care policies, that they adhere to the...
Designated Coordinator Visits Designated Coordinators must meet with the recipient and DSP to complete an admission and orientation meeting. The designated coordinator must...
Emergency Use of Manual Restraints (EUMR) Best Care does not allow the emergency use of manual restraints. DSPs must follow the positive support strategies outlined in the CSSP...
Flexible Use Recipients may use their hours flexible throughout the week (i.e. 3 days a week instead of 7). However the total...
Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Providing false information on timesheets or forging signatures on timesheets is a felony. Best Care takes fraud very seriously and...
Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Intent Is considered an intentional act of deception, misrepresentation, or concealment to gain something of value. Stealing even one (1) dollar...